Thursday, September 18, 2008

Having my friendship "cab light" on

This, for me, falls under the category of small epiphanies.

I have started a workshop focusing on discovering what I need and wanted in a loving, intimate, romantic relationship. One of the phrases repeated as last night's session was having my "cab-light" on to attract the desired partner.

Well, as I headed home last night for this session I felt a little intimidated by the idea of having my "cab-light" on most of the time looking for the right guy. Somehow I fear that having my light on will attract undesired sort of men, but then that is what boundaries are for. Still I had not convinced myself that this was such a good idea.

Then this epiphany hit me, put my cab-light on to attract new friends. Now I do want to attract new good friends into my circle. In the past year I have had to end friendships that were not healthy for me. Now I want to attract friendships that are healthy for me and putting my cab-light on, in this way, for my soul and psyche seems to be a more comfortable way to move forward, as well as priming the my head and how I project what I want to the outside world to attract the right guy for me.

So now I can say to myself - yes my "cab-light" is on to attract new friends into my life - including that special guy friend.

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