Thursday, May 28, 2009

Hmm - not sure what to call this

Heavens - you must think i am crazy - all this anger. Well, yes I am to some degree, but I am not going to suject you to this any more. I have started a seperate blog where I can let my angry words run wild and get them out of me. There I will let my anger be my muse. Please feel free to check it out when ever you want. And in between all the anger - any "nice" poems that come out I will post here.

Be well and Blessed Be,

Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Rage pushed aside

Is this my ghost
Rage pushed aside
Afraid of myself
I didn’t know what to do with it
A woman’s rage
of the horrible truth and knowing
Pain caused in the name of love
all the slights suffered
The more insidious misogyny
Afraid of complete destruction
Burning Madness
Chasing Rage’s illusions
Trapped by going Mad in grief
Never coming back
Reeking havoc
Creating a void
Kali burning in me
A scorched landscape
Fire destroyed
By dragon winged destroyer
Pele’s destructive creation
Just let it burn
Let the flames run through me
Hot flowing lava consume
For I must own it
For to push it awayLeaves it to wander unresolved unclaimed

Thursday, May 14, 2009

Subway Preacher

He got on at 66th Street
And got off at 72nd
Tell us all to go and study
The Bible all day
And pray
For the end of the world was coming to end
And we better get around to getting ready
And as he first uttered
Those loud words
A subtle shutter went through the subway car
As 50 or so people ears suddenly did want to listen
And put up some invisible barrier to his words
Some turned up the volume on their ipods
Others glared at him
Perturbed that their silence was broken
Or their nap interrupted
Others went on with their quiet conversations
But there was no escaping his loud urgent words
And the fact he considered all of us lost sheep
Or Divine children gone astray
That as adults
We weren’t capable of making our own choices
That our lives and loves were all wrong
And there lies my rub
An intolerance of being told what I should do
Or that I am not leading a good life now
Or that by stealing myself away from life
I will preserve my life
These are why I closed my ears to listening to him

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Finding the awe in the ordinary

Many find NYC awesome
To me it is ordinary
The place in which I live out my everyday life
Ordinary to me
Is what others find extraordinary
Riding packed subway trains at any hour in 24
Having little personal space
Adding my hustle and bustle
To eight million others who hustle and bustle
Walking on asphalt and concrete streets
Along towering canyons of glass and steel
Changing neighborhoods from block to block
Hearing the chattering sing song
Of more languages than I can count
The awe in this ordinary
Is the silence in all the magnitude
And the overlooked singularity
I can only hear it at a distance
While on the el line looking at the skyline
Knowing that behind all those windows
Sometimes noisy things are going on
But from the subway window I only see the buildings
Vast bee hives of activity that I can’t see or hear
Or to look over a sea of humanity
To pick on individual to follow their unique path
Though it has been trampled by millions
And so obscured or missed by only but a few
Believe me there is silence in this city
A place where only seeing past the obvious glittering facade
Through the barrier of glass or air
To where the seeming extraordinary is ordinary