Saturday, September 6, 2008

For Jeff

Well, there we have it. A quiet visit back to where it all began. Heavens, I miss you. It seems much of the anger and disappointment doesn't hurt so much. That does mean I have forgotten, just tempered it. While we had good times, in the end we weren't meant for each other - it hurt that I had to make that call, but that is how it goes. I was there at the Temper of Dendar - remember? You were late getting to the museum - it was after all Marathon Sunday. I talked to you, called you to remember too. It was in the Temple you kissed me and caught me hook line and sinker. I wanted to remember the sweet warm memories, your deep brown eyes, you huge warm hugs - and my heart pinched with the pain of missing you. Yes, I still love you. Yes, a tiny part of my heart is yours - but my whole heart no longer hurts - you are gone and I must move on in life and love.

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