Sunday, September 14, 2008

My New York City

My New York City is not the city of Fifth Avenue and Tiffanys. My New York City is more humble, not as swank or stylish. It is a city I live in, traipse and travel around, and always marvel at. My New York City is about waiting; waiting for the bus, subway, to be seated at a table. It is about everyday hard working people who are not all that rich. New York City is the place I live and work in. New York City's glitter is what it projects to the rest of the world, but beneath the glitter is a far more grittier, gutsier place.

For me New York City has an energy, an electricity to it. I am always being caught in of New York City, its vitality, its bravado, how it moves 16 million people a day through its five bouroughs.

But I have found that you can't let New York City over take you, overwhelm you, or let the wool be pulled over your eyes. It can seem fast and hold out endless, dazzling amusements that can make any persons head spin. Don't be taking in by this 24/7 city - if you try to run at its pace you will burn yourself out.

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